Here you'll find some FAQs, but please feel free to contact us if you need anything further.

  • How long does shipping take? We aim to ship all items within 3-5 working days, delivery time is based on the carrier but you can choose an expedited service at checkout if you need your item sooner. Bespoke items may take longer to ship. International items may take up to 2 weeks to arrive dependant on your local carrier. 
  • Why does my item look slightly different to the picture shown? If your item is personalised/bespoke, there may be slight differences to your product as it is lovingly made to order. Colours may differ slightly due to phone resolutions.
  • Do you offer bespoke packages or products? Yes! We love working on bespoke orders so please contact us so we can discuss your requirements.
  • Do you provide products for wholesale? Yes! Please contact us at info@raineecollections.com so we can send you a catalogue.